This autobiographical sculpture series explores distinct childhood memories. The work focuses specifically on the ages of seven to fifteen and the impact of those years into present day. Combining hand crafted art forms with both raw and embellished found objects, I chose each component in this work to represent myself, people and items that have significantly impacted my life. I create compositions to represent relationships and emotions while materials signify specific traits or actions. Traumatic events give insignificant, everyday objects meaning and value. I translate the objects and moments that haunt my mind into pieces of my story through sculptural abstraction.
This particular piece was inspired by the memory of kissing my father goodbye at his funeral. I was seven. I didn't know that dead bodies were so cold. I didn't know how to react. My mother said it was the last time I would see him so I should say goodbye.
Materials: Wood, wire, yarn and metal
Size: 65" x 19" x 4"
Created in 2020.